I'm moving to a bloody hut - tehRant

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Friday, August 21, 2009

Or rather I will if I can't find a blasted apartment sometime before the second coming of Jesus.

So the neighborhood I was looking just isn't working out. The neighborhood is fine, except there doesn't seem to be any more around in my price range. There was one that I was looking at, but that deal fell through when the bank started floundering on this and that. If I knew it was this hard to buy a house, I would started another job, but oh well...

Meanwhile, I'm still working on my side projects. At a very slow pace, of course, but still working on them. I wanted to release theForum two months ago, but things didn't go according to plan. And I'm working on a Java based web server for internal testing and such which can run PHP.

Posted in : General moaning

Permalink : http://eksith.com/tehrant/archives/2009/08/entry_32.html

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