Restarting the religion - tehRant

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

For a brief period (about 3 months) I was the leader of my own religious movement. No seriously...

It was first started in jest and involved critical discussions of why we do follow beliefs even in the face of their contradictions. Why we choose faith over logic etc... It was all in good fun and a bit of an experiment into faith and belief. Well after about the first few weeks, things started to turn sour. It became less about the experiment and fun and more about an actual structure of a religious organization. Something I definitely wanted to avoid. So the whole thing was dropped not long after.

This might be the actual pattern repeated in "true" religions many times over. Except we never see it because of the internal culture of denial.

Well, I decided I'd better dust off the old robes and try it again. This time not just as an experiment in faith, but as a means of furthering a movement toward simplicity, straightforwardness and technological advancement.

I'm even a minister in the Universal Life Church, which has got to account for something.

I called my bizarre blend of Buddhist principles, Christian terminology and Transhumanist goals as "Technological Spirituality". Some of which I've discussed before. I mentioned then that I won't get into the question of what religion I adhere to, so consider this as a preemptive explanation before someone asks again.

I don't know If I'm going to hold sermons or any of the sort, expecially considering how things are a little hectic for me. But we'll see...

Maybe someone will find good use for the output.

Posted in : Philosophy / Random / Technology

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